Banns of Ordination

Si Quis (Banns of Ordination)

We, ALAN, by divine Permission, Bishop Auxiliary Emeritus of the Anglican Diocese of Southern Africa, under warrant of The Most Reverend Mark Haverland, Episcopal Visitor, of the Original Province of the Anglican Catholic Church, intend, God willing, to ordain to the Holy Order of Diaconate

Morena Excellent MOFOKENG
 Ntoki Ezekiel KHOLOANE

on Sunday, the Eighteenth day of August, at Nine o’clock in the morning, in this year of our Lord Two Thousand Nineteen, at the Parish of the Holy Paraclete with Saint Mary and Saint Martha, Century City, Cape Town.

If any of you knows of any impediment or just cause why these men ought not to be received into this Sacred Order, let him make it known to us. 

In token whereof we have electronically posted this on the Seventeenth day of July, being Trinitytide, in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Nineteen and of our consecration the Ninth.

(The Rt. Reverend) Alan Kenyon-Hoare Bishop Auxiliary Emeritus

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