27 November 2019
Dear Friends in Christ,
In Matthew 28:16-20, we read “then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
In answer to our Savior’s truly Great Commission– to each of us, and to all of us – I have been fortunate to have served for over 10 years as a missionary in South Africa, particularly in the region of the North West Province. In January 2020, after our Provincial Synod, I shall return once again to the mission field in South Africa, for a three-year period to continue the work of the Anglican Catholic Church and our work as Christians to fulfill our Lord’s truly Great Commission, and His gospel mandate. As we read in John 15:16, “ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” And so today, I am writing to ask in HIS name for your financial help to continue our mission work in South Africa.
Over the past three months, I have been meeting with all of the clergy and the two bishops of South Africa to discuss our needs as a Church in South Africa. One of our greatest needs is for the initial and continuing formation of our clergy. To that end, we hope to open a joint diocesan seminary, to be named Saint Luke Seminary, at our mission house in Stilfontein, in the North West. By July of 2020, we hope to have up to 8 students and clergy in residence. We already have 3 in residence and the interest is great — and we greatly need your prayers and financial support.
Established in September 2016, the Priory of Stilfontein serves as a residence for clergy and students, a retreat house for clergy and laity alike, offices for the Diocese, a chapel for 30 persons, which is the Church of Good Hope, and beginning next year, will be the physical residence of our seminary. The realities of life in South Africa are very different from ours in the United States: with an unemployment rate of 30% and all of our clergy being self-supporting, money is truly a luxury and while costs are lower, we need approximately $950 USD a month to provide for all of our missionary expenses. As a foreigner, and as a missionary, I am forbidden to work and for the past three years have been using all of my personal savings to finance all of our missionary activities, and now we need your help to continue, and to grow.
As we begin this season of Advent and start to look at our church and personal budgets for 2020, I am appealing to you and your congregation and vestry to do as Mother Angelica was famous for saying: “keep us between your gas, water and electric bill, because if you don’t, we can’t.”
Please pray for our missionary work, and for our clergy, and please consider helping us with your financial support in 2020, either as a monthly or one-time donation designated for our work and sent to the Saint Paul Missionary Society (SPMS). If we could find 12 donors to donate $80 a month, our monthly expenses of $950 would be covered. If you or your parish are already donating to the St. Paul Missionary Society please continue to do so – and to support our work in South Africa, please include a note with your donation explaining that it is to “support Fr. Trudeau in South Africa”, or simply write Trudeau on the check memo line. The SPMS has a policy that protects the confidentiality of donors, and therefore they do not let recipients of the donation know from who it came or how much was received. This makes it very difficult for us in South Africa to thank, and to keep track of donations, and at times, if your donation was even received by the SPMS. That is why, we encourage you to please continue to make your check payable to the ACC Mission Fund as normal and send to the SPMS address:
Anglican Catholic Church
PO Box 5223
Athens, GA 30604
Additionally, please send us an email: fr.trudeau@anglicancatholic.org.za to let us know that you have donated.
In this way, we may thank you and acknowledge your donation that was sent to the Mission Fund in Athens. You may also let us know if you would like to apply it to a specific ministry or project, such as our roof & chapel project, feeding program for children, general fund, or automotive fund.
Thank you for your prayers, your time, and your financial support, so that as the prophet Joshua tells us, “all the people of the earth might know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty: that ye might fear the Lord your God forever.”
May We Continue to Be United in Prayer,
The Reverend Father Damien Alan Truslow-Trudeau
Anglican Catholic Church
The Anglican Diocese of Southern Africa
Good Hope Anglican Church
Stilfontein, South Africa