Pray for South Africa

Dear Friends and Benefactors,

This past week has seen protests, looting, pillaging, violence, and rampage on a level not seen since 1994. While the majority of the destruction and criminal activities were centered in the provinces of Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal, over the next few weeks, the entire country will feel the after effects in the form of fuel, food, medicine, including all important HIV, TB, and other chronic medications, as well as Corona Virus immunizations.

The shelves of of the stores in areas that were not destroyed will not be able to keep basic goods, such as sugar, flour, bread, and others in stock. In short, while the criminal activities have quietened down, the worst is yet to come for the citizens of South Africa.

In this winter time and time of bitter and unusual cold, a continued lock-down and prohibition on church services, our faithful will suffer more and more. Please continue to pray for all those in South Africa.

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