Help Us Help Others
Here’s how you can help. If you have items to donate, please call the office in to schedule a drop-off/pick-up.
- Baby and toddler items and diapers
- Backpacks (for children and teens)
- Bicycles
- Blankets/Comforters all sizes
- Bottled water
- New car seats
- Cars
- Children’s dictionaries
- Clothing hangers
- Craft supplies and games for seniors
- Devotional books
- Diaper bags
- First aid kits
- Flash cards
- Furniture and house wares
- Gift cards
- Gloves and hats (all sizes)
- Musical instruments
- Non-perishable food/snacks
- Nutritional supplement drinks
- Puzzle books for seniors (word search, crossword)
- School supplies
- Small notepads with pens
- Socks
- Rolling suitcases
- Tampons/Pads (boxes)
- Toiletries
- Tote bags
- Toys (Not plush toys)
- TV’s
- Umbrellas
- Winter coats and jackets
- Word/English learning board games (junior scrabble, boggle, etc)
- Watches